The task for this assignment was to manually draw three A3 size posters about the movie documentary that is called the 'EARTH' 2007 from watching it we need to transfer the information into a infographic style and it requires factual information, our personal experience watching it and observation with extended research of the setting we've chosen in the documentary
For starters, I watched the documentary called 'EARTH" 2007 with some of my classmates and each one of us discuss each nature setting after we finished
The most interesting part for me was the Atlantic & Tundra setting but lastly decided on doing Atlantic as it has more information
Then I started with my first draft where I wanted a consistent concept of my posters and unique color and the same animal choice throughout the poster (Whale)
The concept for both the first and third posters is the same as it shows how I felt and the way the whale looks like it drowning in the first while the third is already drowning it shows they are dying, the trash shows how the environment is right now and the heart means agonizing while the eyes on the third poster are to show how painful it was to watch what is happening to the whales and the quote was to have a deep meaning for people to realize
While the second poster is more infographic about the natural setting I have chosen which is the Atlantic, further research and information about the ocean, natural phenomena, flora, and fauna.
After drawing digitally, I transferred my drawing manually on an A3 size paper and drafted it first
When all three of my drawings are finished I started to color them using watercolors, but the way I control my water was not very graceful as you can still some marks left
While some of the posters are drying my cat came and disturb for a while as the picture showed and I started to trace my posters with a black marker to make them pop
This is my outcome of this assignment where all three of my posters has the same color scheme as the red background (anger) is how I feel watching the documentary while I have chosen the ocean as a setting and the whale reaching for help as they're an endangered species, the heart is to show despair as it is also bleeding, the most important is the trash as that is our doing in the ocean. While the second poster focuses more info on the natural setting I have chosen such as the natural phenomena, flora, and fauna. The third is my realization or reflection about nature after watching the documentary and also as to how does the environmental issue affect nature and my favorite scene from the documentary